Causes of Single Vehicle Car Accidents

On Behalf of | Jan 30, 2014 | Firm News


Auto accidents of all kinds need to be taken very seriously given the kinds of injuries that can occur and the severity of these injuries. If you or a loved one is a victim in an auto accident, it’s essential that you seek legal help from skilled personal injury attorneys. By meeting with skilled lawyers, you can learn more about all of your legal options.

Right now, we’d like to take a few moments to consider the various causes of single vehicle auto accidents and what your legal options are following an accident.

About Single-Vehicle Auto Accidents

Single-vehicle auto accidents refer to auto accidents that involve a single vehicle rather than multiple vehicles on the road. This applies to cars, trucks, motorcycles, and even mass transit vehicles.

Single-Vehicle Accidents Aren’t Just Caused by Driver Error

While there’s an assumption that single-vehicle auto accidents are the sole cause of driver error, that is not the case. It is true that speeding, reckless driving, and drunk driving can all cause single-vehicle auto accidents to occur. However, there are plenty of other matters beyond the driver’s control that can cause an auto accident.

Single-Vehicle Auto Accidents and Poor Road Conditions

Poor road maintenance and design can lead to serious problems for motorists. This includes pot holes and other kinds of road damage as well as tight or sudden turns, lack of traffic signs, poor lighting, and narrow roadways.

Single-Vehicle Auto Accidents and Bad Weather

Bad weather is another common cause of single-vehicle collisions that our car accident attorneys have noticed. Rain and snow are especially dangerous for motorists, as is ice on the road.

There are instances in which poor road conditions are made worse by bad weather. One example of this is flooding on a bad street that increases the risk of motorists hydroplaning and losing control of their vehicles.

Single-Vehicle Auto Accidents and Defective Vehicles or Auto Parts

One of the most serious causes of single-vehicle auto accidents is defective vehicle design or auto part design. In the case of a defective vehicle design, a vehicle may have a flaw that makes normal operation dangerous. With defective auto parts, these parts may pose a problem with steering, maneuvering, and braking, making driving very dangerous.

Legal Options In Single-Vehicle Auto Accidents

While our legal team can’t do anything about the weather, we can help you and your loved ones if your auto accident was caused by poor road conditions, a defective auto part, or a defective vehicle.

When roads are poorly designed or maintained, our team will hold local authorities and officials accountable. They are meant to serve the interests of citizens and help ensure their safety. By taking them to task for poor road conditions, positive change is possible.

With regard to defective parts and vehicles, our legal team will hold the designers, manufacturers, and distributors responsible for negligence. We want to make sure that other consumers and motorists out there do not experience similar hardship as a result of someone elses’ carelessness.

Learn More About Auto Accident Litigation

For more information about auto accident litigation and what we can do to help you in your time of legal need, be sure to contact our Phillipsburg, NJ personal injury attorneys today. Our entire legal team is committed to helping you achieve just compensation for any injuries and losses that have been sustained.

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