Easton Workplace Injury or Injuries

On Behalf of | Dec 30, 2015 | Personal Injury

Easton Pennsylvania is the home to thousands of hard working people. Easton is also growing and continues to add local employers to our area. Along with the increase in jobs, workers will suffer workplace injuries as a result. Easton is located on the Northeast Border of Pennsylvania and abuts Phillipsburg, New Jersey. Should you suffer a workplace injury in Easton, you may be transported to Easton Hospital. However, if your injury in Easton is major or catastrophic, you will most likely be transported to St. Luke’s, campus. Once you suffer a workplace injury in Easton, you should contact our office to discuss your rights. Our offices on conveniently located on both sides of Easton. You can choose to cross the river and drive to our Phillipsburg New Jersey office. The consultation is free. Getting hurt is on the job is too important not to contact us. Call today.

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