Now that the Eagles have won a Super Bowl, it is time to make sure other important items in our lives are properly in order. If you have unpaid medical bills from a work accident, it is important that you immediately consult an attorney to discuss your rights.
It is important to know which State’s Compensation Laws will control the payment of your medical bills. For those Eagle Fans or Pennsylvania workers’ compensation matters, the Pennsylvania Compensation System requires an injured worker to initially be seen by the Panel Doctor for the first 90 days. If you had a Pennsylvania accident and have bills from a doctor, those bills should be paid by the employer or workers’ compensation insurance carrier. If you have outstanding medical bills from a “Non-Panel” doctor, you have a limited right to get the medical bills paid by the carrier. Generally only emergency medical treatment may be covered during this period if you do not see a Panel Doctor. After the 90 day waiting period, an injured worker in Pennsylvania can choose his or her own treating doctor. If you have medical bills from this doctor during this time period, the bills will be the responsibility of the workers compensation carrier subject to several conditions. First, the medical bills must be reasonably priced and related to the work injury. Second, the medical treatment needs to be medically necessary. Third, the amount of the bills are subject to a workers’ compensation medical fee schedule which is generally 118% of the Medicare Medical Bill Fee Schedule. Your treating doctor is not legally able to charge you more than the repriced amount under State Law. Finally, the workers’ compensation insurance companies often have you seen by their hired medical expert (IME) who may opine that you are not in need of the medical treatment you are obtaining. As you can see from the above, it is important to contact a workers’ compensation attorney to discuss your rights in terms of getting your medical bills paid.