Plan Ahead This St. Patrick’s Day: Don’t Drink and Drive

On Behalf of | Mar 16, 2018 | Criminal Defense

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St. Patrick’s Day is a time for celebration. This holiday weekend we be filled with parades, parties, and for many, drinking alcohol. If you plan on consuming alcohol this weekend, plan ahead. If you drink and drive, there will be consequences. Arrests for driving under the influence (DUI) or while impaired (DWI) carry serious penalties. These penalties often include mandatory jail time, high fines, and loss of driving privileges. Many people do not realize that even first-time offenders face these serious penalties.

When you drink and drive, you also risk hurting yourself or others. Every single day, drunk driving accidents claim lives. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that in the United States, about 29 people die in alcohol-impaired vehicle accidents each day.

If you consume alcohol this weekend, plan your ride home before you leave. Use a designated driver, plan to use public transportation, or call an Uber or Lyft. Do not risk your freedom, your life, or the lives of others.

This holiday weekend, have fun and be safe. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

If you have questions regarding DUI or DWI consequences please contact Wilhelm & Roemersma at 908-454-3200, or visit our website for more information.

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