Preparing for post-divorce financial life

On Behalf of | Jul 5, 2019 | Family Law


A divorce changes many things for a person including his or her financial situation. Splitting one household into two can have lasting implications on an individual’s financial future.

These changes can create the potential for post-divorce financial struggles. However, there are things you can do to prepare for these changes and try to put yourself in a strong position to move forward financially after a divorce.

One way to prepare is to exercise care when it comes to property division, spousal support matters, and other finance-related divorce proceedings. These legal issues can have big ramifications on what kind of financial footing a person is on as they enter their post-divorce life. Therefore, having arrangements that are consistent with one’s goals for the future is very important.

There are many steps a person can take outside of one’s divorce case to get ready for his or her post-divorce financial life. These include:

  • Setting up a new budget that takes into account your new financial reality
  • Adjusting your insurance coverage to meet your new needs
  • Making sure your financial documents, such as beneficiary designations, reflect any changes in your wishes and goals
  • Taking into account the tax and retirement savings impacts of the divorce and addressing them in your personal financial planning

While a divorce has financial implications, it doesn’t have to mean financial disaster. As with many aspects of a divorce, when it comes to financial matters, strong preparation can be a big help in moving toward a positive future.

When navigating these issues, it is important to think about what would be best for one’s future when deciding what strategies to take. Skilled family law attorneys can assist individuals with protecting their long-term goals, including those regarding finances, in divorce proceedings.

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