SSI And SSDI Claim Application Process
If you have chosen to pursue Social Security benefits due to your inability to work, filing a claim is the first step in discovering whether or not you are eligible.
What Steps Should I Take When Applying For Social Security Benefits?
When applying for Social Security benefits (SSDI or SSI), be prepared to answer detailed questions about your medical treatment, your work history, and personal details such as education and prior marriages. Whether you apply for benefits online, at your local Social Security office, or with an attorney, it helps to gather together certain information before you apply:
- Start by making a list of all of the doctors and hospitals that treated you since you became disabled. As an easy rule of thumb, make a list of those who have treated you in the last year or two.
- Look through your medicine cabinet, and make a list of all your medications. Make sure to include the dosage, the prescribing doctor, and the reason you take that medication.
- You will need to compile your work history for the fifteen years leading up to your last day worked. Find your most recent W-2 tax form and look through old tax records or resumes to help.
- Finally, contact an attorney who has experience handling disability claims to begin filing your application.
The Social Security Disability application and appeal process is complex, but our team is committed to helping you understand them. Call one of our conveniently located offices in New Jersey or Pennsylvania to schedule a consultation, or reach us online.