In Pennsylvania, if you are convicted of driving with a suspended license, you are facing not only fines and an additional license suspension, but also the possibility of jail time.
For a first offense driving with a suspended license, you will be sentenced to pay a $200 fine and will lose your license for a minimum of one (1) year. For second and subsequent offenses, in addition to a minimum one (1) year license suspension, the Judge can fine you up to $1,000 and sentence you to jail for up to six (6) months. For sixth and subsequent offenders, there is a mandatory thirty (30) days in jail.
The penalties for driving on a suspended license when it was suspended for driving under the influence (DUI), are much worse. Most people don’t realize that even for a first offense, you will lose your license for at least one (1) year, be fined $500.00, and be required to serve a minimum of sixty (60) days, up to ninety (90) days, in jail.
Don’t take a chance trying to defend yourself when facing these serious consequences. It is important that you hire an experienced lawyer to help navigate your case through the court system. If you have questions about your case, schedule a consultation with one of the criminal defense lawyers from Wilhelm & Roemersma, P.C. at 908-454-3200.