Divorce proceedings can be simple or extremely complex. There are many factors that determine which type of case a couple choosing to end their marriage will endure, and those will vary from case to case. One thing that almost all New Jersey divorce cases have in...
3 Ways to Keep Your Emotions From Destroying Your Divorce
It's easy to understand why someone going through a divorce might not be feeling their best emotionally. They may be experiencing feelings of betrayal and bitterness due to the loss of love between them and their partner. As important as it can be to grieve the loss...

How Can Social Media Impact My Divorce?
Social media has become a pillar of modern society. People use these platforms to connect, discuss important issues, and organize events or meetups. Many people also use social media to occasionally blow off a little steam and find support from their network. While...
What is Commingling and How Might It Impact Your Divorce?
When it comes to divorce, one of the most contentious aspects can be the division of property. To make matters worse, there may also be a misunderstanding about which properties are considered seperate property. So, how does separate property become marital property?...
How long does it take to get a divorce?
Divorce is often the end of a long journey. Many couples struggle for a long time to determine whether the end of their marriage is the right solution. For many, the idea of a long divorce process after that difficult emotional journey is daunting, and you may wonder...
Cohabitation and terminating alimony in New Jersey
When an alimony obligation exists after a divorce between ex-spouses in New Jersey, both the paying and receiving ex-spouses may wonder how a dating relationship of the receiving ex-spouse can impact the paying ex-spouse's obligation to pay alimony. How cohabitation...
Where Can I Get a Divorce?
Spouses who are getting divorced sometimes ask whether they have to get divorced in the state in which they were married. The answer is no. In order for someone to file for a Complaint for Divorce, the state in which they seek to file must have "jurisdiction"....
What’s Mine Is Yours: When Pre-Marital Real Estate Becomes Marital Property
With the growing trends towards lengthy engagements and living together before marriage, more and more couples are assuming "marriage-like" relationships before officially tying the knot. While this may work well at the time, if the parties do marry and subsequently...
Fathers going through divorce: Learn more about shared parenting
If you are a father going through the divorce process, there are many details that deserve your full and undivided attention. Most importantly, you need to focus on your future relationship with your child. While some divorcing couples are unable to work out a shared...
Do NJ or PA state laws apply to my divorce?
Do New Jersey or Pennsylvania laws apply to my divorce? Sometimes, the answer to this question is not as easy as it may seem. The divorce laws between New Jersey and Pennsylvania vary; and therefore, it can be difficult to determine which laws will be applied to a...