Many people who are burdened with consumer debt are afraid to file bankruptcy because of the negative connotation of bankruptcy. They believe that bankruptcy is an automatic blemish on their credit history which will not go away for 10 years or more, if ever. This...
Month: October 2017
Answers to common questions about civil protection orders
As many as one-third of all women and one-quarter of all men will experience domestic abuse in their lifetimes. As part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we thought it would be helpful to answer some questions about protection from abuse orders. Commonly referred...
Cohabitation and terminating alimony in New Jersey
When an alimony obligation exists after a divorce between ex-spouses in New Jersey, both the paying and receiving ex-spouses may wonder how a dating relationship of the receiving ex-spouse can impact the paying ex-spouse's obligation to pay alimony. How cohabitation...