Purchasing a Home

by | Mar 30, 2023 | Blog, Real Estate

If you are purchasing a home, especially if you are a first time home buyer, is important to hire an attorney to represent you. Because the purchase of a home is the largest investment of most people’s lifetime, you want to make sure that you are getting all that you bargained for. Hiring a lawyer to review the contract, make changes to the contract to benefit you, to review whether the Seller has clear title to convey and to assist you with the mortgage application process are just a few reasons you should hire an attorney.

Remember, realtors are not attorneys and cannot give you legal advice and often realtors act as an agent for the Buyer and the Seller. There is only one person who is looking-out for your best interests in a real estate transaction – your lawyer. So, call or email us if you are thinking of buying your dream home.


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